Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Daftar Recipe dan Kegunaannya (Part1)

Recipes Diatas 24 dan dibawah 32

Magic Recipes / Rare Recipes
*Basic 1 : -

Red Beard Salad Recipe (90 Silver) [Knife] 253 EXP
Ingredients: Red Beard Grass x1 / Salty SeaFood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x1
HP Recover 5200.
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Peach Tart Recipe (90 silver) [Scoop] 253 EXP
Ingredients: Peach x1 / Salty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x1
MP Recover 4000.
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

*Basic 1: -

Lowest Grade HP Potion Recipe (25 Gold) [Pot / Scoop] 4515 EXP
Ingredients: Moss Grave x6 / Salty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x3
HP Recover 6200
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Lowest Grade Mana Potion Recipe (25 Gold) [Pot / Scoop] 4515 EXP
Ingredients: Moss Grave x6 / Salty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x3
MP Recover 5000
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

*Basic 2: -

Red Beard Muffin Recipe (2 Gold) [Spatula] 553 EXP
Ingredients: Red Beard Grass x1 / Salty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x4
STR Increases 315 Within 600 Seconds.
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Peach Juice Recipe (2 gold) [Scoop] 553 EXP
Ingredients: Peach x1 / Salty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x4
Agi Increases 315 within 600 seconds.
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Spicy Temple Soup Recipe (2gold) [Scoop] 553 EXP
Ingredients: Temple Grass x1 / Salty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x4
Attack Power Increases 270 within 600 Seconds.
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

*Basic 2: -

Lowest Grade Bear Potion Recipe (52 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop] 9473 EXP
Ingredients: Plantain x1 / Salty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x8
Str Increases 385 Within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Lowest Grade Wind Potion Recipe (52 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop] 9473 EXP
Ingredients: Plantain x1 / Salty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x8
Agi Increases 385 Within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Lowest Grade Destruction Potion Recipe (52 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop] 9473 EXP
Ingredients: Plantain x1 / Salty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x8
Attack Power Increases 330 within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

*Basic 3: -

Apple Juice Recipe (90 Silver) [Scoop] 270 EXP
Ingredients: Jonathan Apple x1 / Salty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x1
HP / Mp Recover 4550
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Apple Soup Recipe (80 Silver) [Scoop] 270 EXP
Ingredients: Jonathan Apple x1 / Salty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x1
Removes Poison effects
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Rice Ball Recipe (80 Silver) [Spatula] 270 EXP
Ingredients: Raw Rice x1 / Salty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x1
Remove Fire (Burn Damage OverTime) Effects
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

*Basic 3: -

Lowest Grade Recovery Potion Recipe (25Gold) [Pot / Scoop] 4515 EXP
Ingredients: Moss Grave x6 / Salty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x3
HP / MP Recover 5425
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Lowest Grade Poison Medicine Recipe (22 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop] 3515 EXP
Ingredients: Moss Grave x6 / Salty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x2
Removes Poison Effects
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Lowest Grade Fire Burn Recipe (22 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop] 3515 EXP
Ingredients: Moss Grave x6 / Salty Seafood Broth x / Mid Grade Seasoning x2
Remove Fire (burnt) Effects
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

*Basic 4: -

White Rice Recipe (2 Gold) [Spatula] 570 EXP
Ingredients: Raw Rice x1 / Salty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x4
Vit Increase 180 within 600 Seconds.
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Moss Noodle Recipe (2gold) [Pot] 570 EXP
Ingredients: Sanctuary Moss x1 / Salty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x4
Intellect Increases 255 within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Grilled Fly Agaric Mushroom Recipe (80 Silver) [Pan] 270 EXP
Ingredients: Fly Agaric Shroom x1 / Salty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x1
Removes Electrocution Effects (Shaman’s Lightning ect)
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Fly Agaric Mushroom Rice Recipe (2 Gold) [Spatula] 570 EXP
Ingredients: Fly Agaric Shroom x1 / Salty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x4
Magic Power Increases by 270 within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

*Basic 4: -

Lowest Grade Vitality Potion Recipe (52 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop] 9473 EXP
Ingredients: Plantain x1 / Salty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x8
Vit Increases 220 within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Lowest Grade Intellect Potion Recipe (52 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop] 9473 EXP
Ingredients: Plantain x1 / Salty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x8
Intellect Increases 275 within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Lowest Grade Electrocution Medicine Recipe (22Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop] 3515 EXP
Ingredients: Moss Grave x6 / Salty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x2
Remove Electrocution Effects
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Lowest Grade Magic Power Potion Recipe (52 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop] 9473 EXP
Ingredients: Plantain x1 / Salty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x8
Magic Attack power increases 330 Within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

*Basic 5: -

Winter Barley Baguette Recipe (80 Silver)[Knife] 345 EXP
Ingredients: Winter Barley x1 / Tasty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x1
Hp Increases 325 Every Second within 20 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Frost Ginseng Cake Recipe (80 Silver) [Pan] 345 EXP
Ingredients: Frost Ginseng x1 / Tasty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x1
Mp Increases 250 Every Second within 20 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Barley Wheat Noodles Recipe (2 Gold) [Pot] 445 EXP
Ingredients: Winter Barley x1 / Tasty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x2
Stun increases 30% Within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

*Basic 5: -

Lowest Grade HP Essence Stone Recipe (22 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop] 3515 EXP
Ingredients: Moss Grave x6 / Tasty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x2
Hp increases 387.5 every Second with 20 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Lowest Grade Mana Essence Stone Recipe (22 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop] 3515 EXP
Ingredients: Moss Grave x6 / Tasty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x2
Hp increases 312.5 every Second with 20 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Lowest Grade Shock Potion Recipe (42 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop] 7477 EXP
Ingredients: Chaff x2 / Tasty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x6
Stun Increases 30% within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

*Basic 6: -

Cream of Frost Ginseng Recipe (2 Gold) [Scoop] 445 EXP
Ingredients: Frost Ginseng x1 / Tasty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x2
Paralyze increases 30% Within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Forsythia Mushroom Casserole Recipe (2 Gold 50 Silver) [Scoop] 645 EXP
Ingredients: Forsythia Shroom x1 / Tasty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x4
Attack Power Increases 255 Within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Dragon Tooth Dounts Recipe (2 Gold) [Knife] 445 EXP
Ingredients: Dragon Tooth Grass x1 / Tasty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x2
Light Def Increases 15% Within 300 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Dragon Tooth Dumplings Recipe (2 Gold) [Pot] 445 EXP
Ingredients: Dragon Tooth Grass x1 / Tasty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x2
Fire Def Increases 15% Within 300 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

*Basic 6: -

Lowest Grade Restraint Potion Recipe (42 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop] 7,515 EXP
Ingredients: Chaff x2 / Tasty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x6
Paralyze Increases 30% within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Lowest Grade Attack Potion Recipe (60 Gold) [Pot / Scoop] 10473 EXP
Ingredients: Plantain x1 / Tasty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x9
Attack power increases 275 within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Lowest Grade Light Essence Stone Recipe (42 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop] 7,515 EXP
Ingredients: Moss Grave x6 / Tasty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x6
Light Def increases 15% Within 300 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Lowest Grade Fire Essence Stone Recipe (42 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop] 7,515 EXP
Ingredients: Moss Grave x6 / Tasty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x6
Fire Def increases 15% Within 300 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

*Basic 7: -

Lowest Grade Fatal Potion Recipe (42 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop] 7477 EXP
Ingredients: Chaff x2 / Tasty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x6
Critical Increases 950 Within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Lowest Grade Defense Potion Recipe (42 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop] 7477 EXP
Ingredients: Chaff x2 / Tasty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x6
Defense Increases 700 Within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Lowest Grade Dark Essence Stone Recipe (42 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop] 7477 EXP
Ingredients: Moss Grave x6 / Tasty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x6
Dark Def increases 15% Within 300 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Lowest Grade Water Essence Stone Recipe (42 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop] 7477 EXP
Ingredients: Moss Grave x6 / Tasty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x6
Ice Def increases 15% Within 300 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

*Basic 8: - 

Red Flame Mushroom Casserole Recipe (2 Gold) [Pot] 930 EXP
Ingredients: Red Flame Shroom x1 / Tasty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x2
Physical Damage Decreases 15% within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 2

Valley Acorn Cookies Recipe (2 Gold) [Pan] 930 EXP
Ingredients: Valley Acorn x1 / Tasty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x2
Magic Damage Increases 15% Within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 2

Wild Sweet Potato Dounts Recipe (2 Gold) [Knife] 830 EXP
Ingredients: Wild Sweet Potato x1 / Tasty Seafood Broth x1 / Low Grade Seasoning x1
Attack / Movement Speed increases 10% Within 180 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

*Basic 8: -

Lowest Grade Iron Wall Potion Recipe (47 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop] 8477 EXP
Ingredients: Chaff x2 / Tasty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x9
Physical Damage (Taken) Decreases 15% within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Lowest Grade Tent Potion Recipe (47 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot / Scoop]  8477 EXP
Ingredients: Chaff x2 / Tasty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x9
Magical Damage (Taken) Decreases 15% within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

Lowest Grade Speed Potion Recipe (60 Gold) [Pot / Scoop] 10,473 EXP (Thanks Seekerofdivine)
Ingredients: Plantain x1 / Tasty Seafood Broth x2 / Mid Grade Seasoning x9
Attack / Movement Speed increases 10% within 180 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 24 and below 32
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 1

*Basic 9 : -

Black Net Mushroom Bun Recipe (2 Gold 50 Silver) [Knife] 13650 EXP
Ingredients: Black Net Shroom x1 / Bland Seafood Broth x2 / Low Grade Seasoning x1
HP Recover 7,200
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 35

Lily Of the Valley Petal Noodles Recipe (2 Gold 50 Silver) [Pot] 13650 EXP
Ingredients: Silver Lily Petal x1 / Bland Seafood Broth x2 / Low Grade Seasoning x1
Mp Recovers 5800
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 35

Black Net Mushroom Cake Recipe (5 Gold 50 Silver) [Knife] 13650 EXP
Ingredients: Black Net Shroom x1 / Bland Seafood Broth x2 / Low Grade Seasoning x1
Str Increases 455 within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 15

Lily Of The valley Salad Recipe (5 Gold 50 Silver) [Knife] 13650 EXP
Ingredients: Silver Lily Petal x1 / Bland Seafood Broth x2 / Low Grade Seasoning x1
Agi Increases 455 Within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 15

Yellow Wild bean Cookie Recipe (5 Gold 50 Silver) [Pan] 13650 EXP
Ingredients: Yellow Wild bean x1 / Bland Seafood Broth x2 / Low Grade Seasoning x1
Attack Power Increases 390 within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 15

*Basic 9: -

Low Grade HP Potion Recipe (60 Gold) [Pot / Scoop] 65600 EXP
Ingredients: Shaft x2 / Bland Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x12
HP Recovers 8800
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 10

Low Grade Mana Potion Recipe (60 Gold) [Pot / Scoop] 65600 EXP
Ingredients: Shaft x2 / Bland Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x12
MP Recovers 7000
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 10

Low Grade Bear Potion Recipe (135 Gold) [Pot / Scoop] 30100 EXP
Ingredients: CrabGrass x3 / Bland Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x1
Str Increases 560 within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 2

Low Grade Wind Potion Recipe (135 Gold) [Pot / Scoop] 30100 EXP
Ingredients: CrabGrass x3 / Bland Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x1
Agi Increases 560 within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 2

Low Grade Destruction Potion Recipe (135 Gold) [Pot / Scoop] 30100 EXP
Ingredients: CrabGrass x3 / Bland Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x1
Physical Attack Power Increases 480 within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 2

*Basic 10: - 

Cream Of Blue Forest Chilli Recipe (2 Gold 50 Silver)
Ingredients: Blue Forest Chilli / Bland Seafood Broth / Low Grade Seasoning
HP / MP Recover 6300
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 15

Blue Forest Chilli Bread Recipe (2 Gold 50 Silver)
Ingredients: Blue Forest Chilli / Bland Seafood Broth / Low Grade Seasoning
Removes Poison Effect
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 15

Riverside Perilla Bun Recipe (2 Gold 50 Silver)
Ingredients: Riverside Perilla / Bland Seafood Broth / Low Grade Seasoning
Remove Fire (Burn) Effects
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 15

Grilled Forest Lanceolate Root Recipe (2 Gold 50 Silver)
Ingredients: Forest Lanceolate Root / Bland Seafood Broth / Low Grade Seasoning
Removes Electrocution Effects
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 5

Riverside Perilla Porridge Recipe (5 Gold 50 Silver) 5150 EXP
Ingredients: Riverside Perilla / Bland Seafood Broth / Low Grade Seasoning
Vit increases 260 within 600 seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 5

Hill Water Grass Soup Recipe (5 Gold 50 Silver) 5150 EXP
Ingredients: Hill Water Grass / Bland Seafood Broth / Low Grade Seasoning
Intellect Increases 325 within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 5

Deep Fried Forest Lanceolate Root Recipe (5 Gold 50 Silver) 5150 EXP
Ingredients: Forest Lanceolate Root / Bland Seafood Broth / Low Grade Seasoning
Magic Attack power increases 390 within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 5

(Thanks seekerofdivine For the EXP of Deep Fried Forest Lanceolate root )

*Basic 10: -

Low Grade Recovery Potion Recipe (60 Gold) [Pot / Scoop] 65600 EXP
Ingredients: Shaft x2 / Bland Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x12
HP / MP Recovers 7700
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 10

Low Grade Poison Medicine Recipe (55 Gold) [Pot / Scoop] 59600 EXP
Ingredients: Motherwort x2 / Bland Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x6
Removes Poison Effects
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 10

Low Grade Fire Medicine Recipe (55 Gold) [Pot / Scoop] 59600 EXP
Ingredients: Motherwort x2 / Bland Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x6
Removes Fire (burnt) Effects
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 10

Low Grade Electrocution Medicine Recipe (55 Gold) [Pot / Scoop] 59600 EXP
Ingredients: Motherwort x2 / Bland Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x6
Removes Electrocution Effects
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 10

Low Grade Vitality Potion Recipe (135 Gold) [Pot / Scoop] 30100 EXP
Ingredients: Crabgrass x3 / Bland Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x1
Vit Increases 320 Within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 2

Low Grade Intellect Potion Recipe (135 Gold) [Pot / Scoop] 59600 EXP
Ingredients: Crabgrass x3 / Bland Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x1
Intellect Increases 400 Within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 2

Low Grade Magic Power Potion Recipe (135 Gold) [Pot / Scoop] 59600 EXP
Ingredients: Shaft x2 / Bland Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x6
Magic Attack power increases 480 within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 4

*Basic 11: - 

Antlers Mushroom Noodles Recipe (2 Gold 50 Silver) 13650 EXP
Ingredients: Antler Shroom / Creamy Seafood Broth / Low Grade Seasoning
HP Increases 450 every Seconds within 20 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 40

Deep Fried Goble Corn Recipe (2 Gold 50 Silver)13650 EXP
Ingredients: Goblecorn / Creamy Seafood Broth / Low Grade Seasoning
MP Increases 362.5 every Seconds within 20 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 40

Antlers Mushroom Rice Recipe (4 Gold 50 Silver)
Ingredients: Antler Shroom / Creamy Seafood Broth / Low Grade Seasoning
Stun Increases 30% within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 20

Corn Riceball Recipe (4 Gold 50 Silver)
Ingredients: Goblecorn / Creamy Seafood Broth / Low Grade Seasoning
Paralyze increase 30% within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 20

Summer Sweet Radish Casserole Recipe (6 Gold) [Scoop] 13950 EXP
Ingredients: Summer Sweet Radish x1 / Creamy Seafood Broth x2 / Low Grade Seasoning x4
Attack Power Increases 325 within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 15

Seasoned Hound Mushroom Recipe (4 Gold 50 Silver)
Ingredients: Hound Shroom / Creamy Seafood Broth / Low Grade Seasoning
Light Def Increases 15% within 300 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 20

Hound Noodles Recipe (4 Gold 50 Silver)
Ingredients: Hound Shroom / Creamy Seafood Broth / Low Grade Seasoning
Fire Def Increases 15% within 300 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 20

*Basic 11: -

Low Grade HP Essence Stone Recipe (55 Gold) [Pot / Scoop] 59600 EXP
Ingredients: Shaft x2 / Creamy Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x6
HP Increases 550 every Second within 20 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 10

Low Grade Mana Essence Stone Recipe (55 Gold) [Pot / Scoop] 59600 EXP
Ingredients: Shaft x2 / Creamy Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x6
MP Increases 437.5 every Second within 20 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 10

Low Grade Shock Potion Recipe (110 Gold) [Pot / Scoop]
Ingredients: HogWeed / Creamy Seafood Broth / Mid Grade Seasoning
Stun Increases 30% within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 5

Low Grade Restraint Potion Recipe (110 Gold) [Pot / Scoop]
Ingredients: HogWeed / Creamy Seafood Broth / Mid Grade Seasoning
Paralyze Increases 30% within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 5

Low Grade Attack Potion Potion Recipe (150 Gold) [Pot / Scoop]
Ingredients: Crabgrass x3 / Creamy Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x4
Physical Attack / Magic Power Increases 400 within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 2

Low Grade Light Essence Stone Recipe (110 Gold) [Pot / Scoop]
Ingredients: Motherwort / Creamy Seafood Broth / Mid Grade Seasoning
Light Def increases 15% within 300 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 5

Low Grade Fire Essence Stone Recipe (110 Gold) [Pot / Scoop]
Ingredients: Motherwort / Creamy Seafood Broth / Mid Grade Seasoning
Fire Def increases 15% within 300 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 5

*Basic 12: -

Sun Grass Bibimbap Recipe (4 Gold 50 Silver) 14850 EXP
Ingredients: Sun Weed Petal / Creamy Seafood Broth / Low Grade Seasoning
Critical Increases 1100 Within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 20

Wild Cucumber Noodles Recipe (4 Gold 50 Silver) 14850 EXP
Ingredients: Wild Cucumber / Creamy Seafood Broth / Low Grade Seasoning
Defense Increases 850 Within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 20

Cream of Frost Pumpkin Recipe (4 Gold 50 Silver) 14850 EXP
Ingredients: Frost Pumpkin / Creamy Seafood Broth / Low Grade Seasoning
Dark Def Increases 15% within 300 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 20

Frost Pumpkin Pancake Recipe (4 Gold 50 Silver) 14850 EXP
Ingredients: Frost Pumpkin / Creamy Seafood Broth / Low Grade Seasoning
Ice Def Increases 15% within 300 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 20

Black Mountain Sesame Bun Recipe (4 Gold 50 Silver) 14850 EXP
Ingredients: Black Mountain Sesame / Creamy Seafood Broth / Low Grade Seasoning
Physical Damage Decreases 15% within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 20

Monastery Mushroom Waffle Recipe (4 Gold 50 Silver) 14850 EXP
Ingredients: Monastery Shroom / Creamy Seafood Broth / Low Grade Seasoning
Magic Damage decreases 15% within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 20

Black Yam Noodles Recipe (6 Gold)
Ingredients: Black Mountain Yam / Creamy Seafood Broth / Low Grade Seasoning
Attack / Movement Speed Increases 10% within 180 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Stage and Abyss Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 15

*Basic 12: -

Low Grade Fatal Potion Recipe (110 Gold) [Pot / Scoop]
Ingredients: Hogweed x2 / Creamy Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x6
Critical Increases 1350 within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 5

Low Grade Defence Potion Recipe (110 Gold) [Pot / Scoop]
Ingredients: Blue GobleFungus / Creamy Seafood Broth / Mid Grade Seasoning
Defense increases 1000 within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 5

Low Grade Dark Essence Stone Recipe (110 Gold) [Pot / Scoop]
Ingredients: Motherwort x2 / Creamy Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x6
Dark Def increases 15% within 300 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 5

Low Grade Water Essence Stone Recipe (110 Gold) [Pot / Scoop]
Ingredients: Motherwort x2 / Creamy Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x6
Ice Def increases 15% within 300 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 5

Low Grade Iron Wall Potion Recipe (120 Gold) [Pot / Scoop]
Ingredients: Blue Goblefungus x2 / Creamy Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x1
Physical Damage (Taken) Decreases 15% within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 4

Low Grade Tent Potion Recipe (120 Gold) [Pot / Scoop]
Ingredients: Blue Goblefungus x2 / Creamy Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x1
Magical Damage (Taken) Decreases 15% within 600 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 4

Low Grade Speed Potion Recipe (150 Gold) [Pot / Scoop]
Ingredients: Crabgrass x3 / Creamy Seafood Broth x4 / Mid Grade Seasoning x4
Attack / Movement Speed increases 10% Within 180 Seconds
Can be used by characters above 33 and below 40
Nest and Hell Mode Exclusive Dish

Output Amount: 2

Sumber : http://forum.cherrycredits.com/

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